Wednesday, November 28, 2012

journey 11/29/2012

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

journey 11/23/2012

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

journey 11/22/2012

    • TechCrunch, founded on June 11, 2005, is a weblog dedicated to obsessively profiling and reviewing new web 2.0 products and companies - post by Jay Dugger
    • asdasdasd asdasd adawdwd asdaeter dfaetawer asdfae - post by Jiangti
    • I guess if Techcrunh users aren't using Diigo..... - post by Andy Swan
    • lkjsdfölaskjdfölsadkfjöslakdfjsöalkdfjasöldkfjasöldfjksöaldfjkaölsdfjköalskdfjöalsdfjk - post by Tom Stone
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    • Mu Jogando.Net Season 6 ((23)) Venham Conhecer a Nova Temporada da na versão Season6, com muitas Novidades, Eventos, Itens e Muito mais, para os jogadores do Super - 10.000x Pvp 15.000x Very Easy - 5.000x Hard 100 x Extreme 10x Novo Sever: War 1000x e Phoenix Ep.3 3.000x (32k stats) Acumulativo Algumas Novidades: -> Castle Siege, agora o GM da guild vencedora ganha SET exclusivo. -> Colete “Coins of Gold Fortune” e troque por itens no NPC Delgado. -> Novo Duel Arena, o top 1 do ranking ganha 100 GOLDs. -> Compre muitas armas com ZEN no evento Moss the Gambler. -> Fique logado e ganhe golds, Free ganha 1 GOLD por minuto e VIP 2 GOLDs. -> Novas invasões de DOURADOS. -> Novo mapa Karutan com novos MOBs, drops exclusivos e muita XP. -> Ganhe Chaos Castle e receba itens ancients. -> Todo dia sorteio de GOLDs entre os players logado. -> Dezenas de invasões todos os dias. -> O TOP ranking da semanal e do mês ganha muitos GOLDs seja TOP você também. -> Leo the Helper, ganhe todo dia um novo item clicando no NPC. -> O player TOP 1 Semanal de Illusion temple ganha “Fenrir Gold”. -> Seja um divulgador e ganhe set exclusivo de Divulgador. -> MegaUltraSuperHiper Evento de Castle Siege -> Novo char Range Fighter -> Novos PVPs -> Novos Mapas -> Novos rankings será implantado -> Nova skin no forum com novas opções. -> Novas Asas, Ring e Pendats 5 Socket -> Novos Kits Fusion V2, Shield Pv3 e Supremo Diamond (raro) Apenas 100 será vendidos -> Novos Sets especial com o melhor preço By xXxEmOxXx - post by Anonimo Anonimado
    • Today, Facebook shares (NASDAQ:FB) have jumped 5.28 percent, closing at 24.32. In fact, it represents a four-month high for Facebook, as shares have not traded at this level since the first lockup expirations. Last Wednesday, Facebook experienced its biggest lockup expiration. To everyone’s surprise, shares popped more than 10 percent in a few minutes. Today confirms that the worst has passed.
    • I can't seem to find out the exact color to the highlight when hovering over menu options in C#, anyone know?
    • C# is a programming language, not a program or an application. You need to be more specific. Why not post a screen shot?

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.